It's Launch Time Baby!

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HOW EXCITED am I to officially announce the launch of Elizabeth Craig Education?? Let me tell you: SUPER EXCITED! Like….super DUPER excited!! If you’ve been following ECE, then you may be a bit confused as to why we went radio silent when our official launch date was supposed to be October 1. Well, let me explain…

It’s really simple: we just weren’t ready. I was out in Colorado teaching a workshop on 10/1 and Lola was out there assisting, while John was filming for the week. This meant we couldn’t really give our full attention to a superb launch, which is what we wanted.

But now the GOOD NEWS!

We are launching on 10/15. Yes! Only three more days and you will have full access to the entire Elizabeth Craig Education 10-week program (insert high-five, Snoopy dance and the clinking of champagne glass here).

If you thought that was all the fanfare we were ready to give, then you’d be wrong. I’d love to formally invite you to join me for 6 free webinars that will include all the deets on ECE, my top tips on In-Person Sales, building confidence in your clients,and building confidence in yourself. You can also join team ECE (John, Lola and myself) for an awesome talk on marketing, but my favorite day will be the day I do a LIVE SHOOT so you can get a true peek into my shoots, studio and how I do what I do! See below for the full schedule.

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In the meantime, feel free to hop on over to the ECE site and cruise through all the information we have for you there! Have questions? Email us at or save them for the webinars!

Make sure to register to join me for these six FREE webinars! To keep up to date on everything Elizabeth Craig, be sure to follow me at @elizabethcraigeducation and @elizabethcraigphotography on Instagram!