Taking Care of You

Pittsburgh Boudoir Photographer | Elizabeth Craig-20-2

I know that's super hard. Well, it's more finding the time than it is coming up with ideas, so I have an assignment for you... I want you to write down 1 thing that you can do for yourself once a week and commit to it for one month. That's only FOUR times you have to actually something for you.

Once a week I pick something just for me. It could be reading for an hour in front of the fireplace. It could be a hot bath right in the middle of the day. It could be a diy facial, hairstyle, makeup look...you name it. Let's call it Self Care Sunday. I don't care if it's on a Sunday or not, let's call it that.

I'm going to post this on Facebook because that's where I get most of my commenting and when I do I'm going to ask every person reading it to tell me what they've chosen.

Ready. Set. Go.