Meet the Winner of the Session Giveaway!
Not sure if you remember, but I ran a session giveaway kind of thing last month and Ms. Deanna was the winner! I cannot even begin to tell you how much fun it was running this giveaway. I had no idea I’d get such a huge response and because of that I’ll definitely be doing this again!
Deanna was a dream to work with. She was open for absolutely anything and what should have been about 2 hours turned into 4…I was not unhappy about that one bit!!
We started with a more dark and sultrier look. The Airbnb I rented had INCREDIBLE light for moodier and more shadowy looks. We then ended with a full on sun kinda-thing and a bit in the backyard, which was a lot of fun to play in.
It really was just a fun play day, and boy did I need that!

Makeover by AtHome Beauty.