The Big Secret the Liars Are Keeping From You

Everyone is trying to sell you something, and in order for them to be successful in their sale, they need you to believe that you are so behind in your life that others are just whizzing by you. This really applies to so many facets of life.

All you want is to have a family and you’re not married and don’t have children, yet you are surrounded by people that are up to their ears in diapers and college applications. Your business isn’t where it should be, all while you watch your competitors pass you buy as if you were standing still. You never seem to get that raise or promotion, and the asshole that sat next to you watching porn all day just got both

You want to trust that there is some kind of fate-like destiny-filled plan for your life, but it just seems like you’re walking in slow motion taking those 2 steps forward and 300 steps back while everyone else appears to be getting along just fine.

Here is the big secret that the Liars and Cheats out there don’t want you to know about that will change it all for you. You ready? You sure? Got your ‘listening ears’ on and turned up?

OK…here it is…

You are exactly where you are supposed to be, right now, here in this moment, at this exact time in your life.

Not profound enough for you? Let’s dig a bit further then…

The NUMBER ONE mistake most people make when they look at their lives is to compare it to other people’s lives. This is a huge, ginormous NO-NO. You think you know their life, but you don’t. You see what you want to see and while you’re salivating over their success, they’re salivating over your life. If it’s not your life, it’s the life of the neighbor on the other side of them. The first step to recovery in this area is to admit that you don’t know what you think you know.

The NUMBER TWO mistake most people make is that they think they know better than Goddess/God/Universe/Spirit and believe they know exactly where they should be in their lives, and the Divine Connection is full of shit. Tsk-tsk…this will get you nowhere, and super duper fast, my friend. We each have a set of lessons we need to learn and experiences we need to have that is specific to our own journeys. Yes, it is absolutely possible that some people can get completely derailed off of their path and can’t find their way back, but that’s not you. You know those souls: it’s like they're in a scene from a movie that never seems to change and they feel like it could change, but they take zero responsibility in changing it. So, their life stays exactly the same. If you are feeling behind or stuck, the fact that you are reading this shows that you’re searching for more. It’s that search that the universe picks up on and makes a mission out of fulfilling. 

The NUMBER THREE mistake people make is believing there is a final state of constant contentment, fulfillment, abundance, and joy. The thing is, none of us lives in a constant state of joy and contentment. If we did, we’d lack the ambition and drive to do better and be better. We are here to learn, to grow, to feel pain, to feel love, joy, heartache and all the wonderful and awful things that this life has to offer us. Remember the bumper sticker that says “Life is all about the journey, not the destination”? That’s a bumper sticker for a reason. There is work to do. There is a journey to seek out, to learn from, and to grow through. Don’t give up on that because it is your most important work.

When you feel off-kilter or behind in whatever you think your life should be at any given moment, just remember that you truly are exactly where you’re supposed to be. Take comfort that your continual work on your Self will always lead you to the places and experiences you’re supposed to have. 

I have heard more than once that to focus on the past is to be in a state of pain because of the things you can no longer change. To focus on the future is to be in a state of worry because you can’t control what is to come. But to focus on the “now” is the least scary place to be because it is the only place that is right in front of you, and one that you can feel, sense, and navigate from an honest place in your heart.

Keep your dreams next to you because they are your roadmap, but be where you are right now. Anywhere else is just a distraction.