Hero Wanted

Elizabeth Craig Boudoir Photography-1.jpg

She was so nervous when she came to the studio she said she almost canceled (not to mention she almost vomited that morning before getting into her car). The important thing is, she made it.

She had a mission with her photoshoot and it was one that required a settling of those nerves and digging heals in to not only achieve that mission, but a letting go of all the complications around her so that she could just relax, enjoy, and sink into this experience.

You guys: she nailed it. I mean…she NAILED it! Each photo I showed her had her reeling over herself. Right before my eyes I saw the veil fall and the power just sink right into her. We, of course, started a bit safe, a bit slow, a big soft…but then…WHOA…this last outfit…I mean…aoieudjianrihdfahgjaheldjhfeihadf…it was magic! The gloves were OFF. The confidence was FIERCE. She proved it to HERSELF. She stepped up on her OWN.

Lesson: never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever underestimate yourself. Be your own goddamn hero.