It Never Gets Old


Have I mentioned how tippy-toe-giddy I get when a client comes back to me for another session?? I just love it! I have had the honor of photographing so many times in a woman’s life when she knew she needed to be documented. Engagements, marriages, babies, losing and finding yourself, celebration, connection to the self, honoring the self…the list goes on.

This was A’s third session and it was the “I did the babies thing and then I worked hard to do the me thing”. She had her third and final babe and that was cause to get the body back she knew she wanted, and that achievement led her to me…that and a new black lace dress (post coming soon).

Based on these photos, I’d say whatever A is doing for herself she just needs to keep right on doing.

Hey girl—while I’m talking A into her fourth session, how’s about you take this as your cue to get moving on your first? Get off that fence!
