Knowing Your Worth | Boudoir Photography Pittsburgh, PA

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A breakup can really make a girl feel blue. A really confusing, out-of-the-blue breakup can shake you to your core. When bad things happen, we have two choices: let it take us to our knees and stay there, or take the opportunity to rise up and consider what we’re made of.

For Krista, she found out she was made of some pretty tough stuff. Of course, she grieved the loss of a relationship that she thought would be her last, but she understood that her self-worth meant that something even more magnificent was on its way, and until then she made the decision to take care of herself.

I’m happy to report that one of her choices was a session with me. Krista isn’t the first woman to come to me after a breakup or divorce. It’s an amazing way to remind yourself of all the ways you are so very extraordinary. It lets you check in with your body and connect your heart to every beat and just let yourself go.

Krista, you are one tough cookie and you’re going to be just fine. But you already knew that.

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Makeover by AtHome Beauty.