I Thought It Was Just Me

These are 6 of the loneliest words I’ve ever heard. These are 6 words that, when strewn together, keep us all separate from one another, yet, strangely, are 6 words that link us all closely because I will bet each of us has at least one thing (read: 100) that we could apply this sentence to.

We all seem to think that the parts of ourselves we feel the need to hide are so distasteful that we must be the only ones out there that can lay claim to them.

Not so, friend.

No, you are not the only one that feels alone in a crowd. No, you are not the only one that gets anxious for no reason. No, you’re not the only one that has a life of everything you’d think everyone wanted but you wake up each day depressed. You’re not the only one to give up, give in, eat the cake even when you weren’t hungry, have an abortion, have 3 abortions, buy the thing even when you didn’t have the money, hate your family, cheat on your spouse, feel envy, shame, guilt, or even joy at someone else’s loss.

It wasn’t just you.

Remember this: whatever it is you think you’ve done, whatever it is you believe is so wretched that it makes you unlovable, un-trustable, or unworthy………


Those are 2 of the most healing words I’ve ever heard come out of someone’s mouth. These 2 words, when strewn together, will bring you closer to the person who said them more than any other 2 words ever. Even “love you”. They will instantly deflate every awful thing you believed about yourself and will just as quickly fill you with a deep sense of self-forgiving. If you don’t have someone in your life that will utter these 2 words at your most horrid admission, get one. You’re seriously missing out.

No, I haven’t experienced every single thing in that paragraph above, but I have experienced a lot of them. Remember this too: we are bound and made closer by our suffering. Why? Because finally understanding that your worst is just as bad as everyone else’s is a deeply meaningful experience.

We are not our past. We are not our worst decisions. We are made better by our mistakes. We are made more empathetic, understanding, stronger, more resilient, compassionate, loving, and most importantly, forgiving.

This. This is what the world needs more of. So the next time you feel as though you’re the only one, remember that not only are you not alone, but your human experiences are what actually makes the world go round.

Be honest. Be you. Live out loud.

Speaking your truth is your true saving grace.

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Makeover by AtHome Beauty.