Elizabeth's Got Me

Elizabeth Craig Boudoir Photography-15.jpg


I just wanted to say, “Holy shit...I’ve never felt more accepting of change in my life”. There’s been so much change in my life, as well as others, because of COVID-19 and the climate of our world right now. I’ve also experienced some other changes in my life this year.  I wasn’t so comfortable being vulnerable with or accepting that change. I am now though, because of today.  Today was something normally out of my comfort zone, but it’s ok to be uncomfortable, because it opens your eyes, mind and heart to so much more. 

Thank you for bringing your ‘A’ game to life and your profession. You absolutely inspire me with your passion for your profession and empowering women. You assisted in getting me to that, “Ok, I’ll let go a little, because Elizabeth’s got me. I trust her and this process”.  You did not disappoint, and I would recommend your experience to any fierce, strong, I wanna slay at life everyday, woman out there. 

Thank you again for helping me get back to me.

You’re new best bud,


Can I just say I can never EVER have too many new best buds! Jess—we’re gonna rock this world, girl!