New Focus | New Brand | New Site

I’m sure I’m not the only one you’ve heard of that has been ruminating and plotting during this time of unknowingness. I found myself wandering around the house wondering what my priorities really are now that I actually had time to think, consider, and discover.

What I realized is that while photography will, of course, always be a part of my soul and my life, I felt the need to dig deeper into the areas I have always loved, but never really considered putting more focus into. This break allowed me to see that I can absolutely be as multi-directional as I want to be in my life. As I have written before, I feel areas shifting and I’m really excited to watch where it all takes me.

So, during my downtime, I decided it was time for a sort-of rebranding that allowed me to highlight those areas of my professional life that fulfill me just as much, if not more, than photography. I thought about each area of focus and how I wanted it to feel, look, and what vibes I wanted each area to own. It all came together so beautifully.

So I welcome you to my new site! This site focuses on all 3 of my loves equally: Photography. Writing. Education. I will house the writing I do that doesn’t really touch photography here. These are my deeper ponderings and life experiences that I have found a lot of people gravitating towards lately. Here is where you can access my insides if you feel you have such an inclination to do so. You will still be able to read all about my photography experiences and endeavors, as well as those of my clients in their usual spot too.

You will also now find all of my educational resources, including Products for photographers and entrepreneurs. Services, including mentoring, photography education and video education, and more. If you’re a photographer or creative, you’ll also see that I am now offering rental of my amazing studio on the West End (SO excited about this!) Lastly, you’ll also have access to my Free Resources, which are complimentary downloads for both photographers and entrepreneurs.

One of my new favorite additions to my education is called “Powerhour”. They are one-hour zoom or in-person meetings where we can chat and identify any roadblocks in your business that are keeping you from really catapulting yourself to where you should be. Sometimes a 2nd pair of eyes is all you need! I’m also loving that we can also now teach you all about how to market your own business and tailor it specifically to YOU and YOUR business since we know no business is exactly the same as another.

Once things begin to calm down a bit with the craziness of this country, I’ll also be holding mini-workshops, bigger workshops, shootouts with and without instruction, and networking meetups as well, PLUS headshot clinics where you can come and get updated headshots for a price that won’t break the bank.

So much more to talk about but I don’t want to overload you! Feel free to cruise my new site and if you have any video, photography, educational, or writing needs don’t hesitate to reach out!

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