I Don't Know You But I Know What's Getting in Your Way

How do I know this? Oh I’m psychic. You didn’t know?  No, no…just kidding. I know this because I have lived it, and still do all the time until I catch myself dwelling in this place and then I’m like DAMMIT! How did I do that AGAIN?

I don’t care what it is that you’re trying to do that just doesn’t seem to be catching steam, I know what your problem is.


Here’s the thing: I guarantee that whatever it is you’re trying to master, a million others out there have are doing it right now and succeeding. Let me say this, and listen up because it’s super important…

These folks are no smarter, more talented, more skilled, lucky, or better than you are. The only thing they did different from you is that they got out of their own way.

I have heard excuse, after excuse, after excuse, after excuse from everyone and anyone about why their business isn’t booming, why they can’t seem to get it together, why they just don’t seem to be able to just be happy with themselves, lose the weight, open the business, live their own inspired life…or just fill in the blank. I guarantee you that if you really sat down and put in the time to think about it and really focus on every reason you believe you have not reached a level of success in whatever is that you are endeavoring upon, you will be able to tear each of those reasons down and realize they are excuses that only hold the power you give them. 

If you’re sick of hearing about that other person KILLING IT while you’re still trying to just get up the damn mountain, then start thinking about what they did that you didn’t instead of thinking about all the reasons you can’t.

Listen to me. You have just as much of a chance, just as much brainpower, determination, desire, and fortitude to get it together as much as any other person out there. 

Get out of your head, get moving, and leave the excuses for those that just can’t get out of their own way. That’s not you anymore.

Make sure to follow me on all my social media for the latest info too!

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Just in case you’d like to learn a few more tricks of the trade, swing by and grab my Free Posing Tips Guide for Photographers. It will give you posing tips for the body, the hands, AND facial expressions. For an even more in-depth way to really dig deep with posing, snag my Boudoir Posing Guide, which will give you 20 go-to poses with photographs and step-by-step instructions in 4 different set areas, PLUS a BONUS section on curvy girl modifications. If it’s learning how to take over the world with literally every single thing I’ve developed to take my business to 6-figures, then check out my Mind Your Business guide specifically for entrepreneurs, or my Top Ten Secrets to Booking More Clients for photographers.

If you’re looking for more of my divine wisdom on how to conquer the world (MUAHAHAHAHA!!) check out my Services or my Shop (make sure to scroll down in my shop to check out all of my freebie downloads).


Makeover by AtHome Beauty.