Hair IS Part of the Wardrobe for Any Boudoir Shoot

One of the biggest mistakes I see photographers make is not paying attention to hair in a pose. Hair is one of the biggest accessories you can use to change up a pose and it is probably one of the most versatile things you can use to add so much to a photo.

  • For a lot of newer photographers, getting the right connection from a client can be difficult. Even for seasoned photographers there are just some clients that you cannot beat into submission to own their sexy. In those cases, I use the hair to help. I will lay hair across the face or partially across the face. It will instantly turn any “eh” photo into “WHOA!”

  • Blow her. Blowing hair with a fan or blowdryer will really up your game. If you have a client that doesn’t feel comfortable moving around a lot, blowing hair gives a photo instant movement and can really intensify the mood of a photo. This is a HUGE trick of mine.

  • On the movement note, having women whip their head for hair movement or throw their head back is a fabulous trick to getting a more sensual tone to a shot.

  • Don’t have a stylist on site? No worries, put that hair in a messy braid, top knot, back twist or ponytail. Presto change-o instantly.

  • Hands in hair! I have my clients play in their hair all the time. I have them move a strand to their lips, hug it into their faces and also have them move their hands around in it while the fan is blowing. I do have to instruct them to REALLY get in there because most are intimidated and wind up looking like they’re washing their hair instead of getting their sexy on. Once I show them myself, it’s go-time, so don’t be afraid to get in the game.

If you want to learn a few more tricks of the trade, swing by and grab my Free Posing Tips Guide for Photographers. It will give you posing tips for the body, the hands, AND facial expressions. For an even more in-depth way to really dig deep with posing, snag my Boudoir Posing Guide, which will give you 20 go-to poses with photographs and step-by-step instructions in 4 different set areas, PLUS a BONUS section on curvy girl modifications.

Make sure to follow me on all my social media for the latest info too!

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