I Know What's Stopping You From a Boudoir Session with Me | One


There are 3 things that are likely the culprit behind you not taking the leap with me. I’m going to go through one each week for the next 3 weeks in a post and you let me know if I’m on the right track.

In today’s post, I’ll focus on the first and these are in no particular order.

You think you will feel embarrassed because you have to convey emotions and facial expressions that are typically private and you think you will look stupid attempting this in front of me.

OK—let’s break this down. First, this is what I do for a living. I have been photographing for 16 years and have now photographed thousands of women, all of which attempt and accomplish exactly what you believe you can’t. I know you don’t know how to do this, which is why I have a zillion tricks up my sleeve to get out of you what I want to see.

Second, I am you partner in this. I don’t let you go sailing this ocean alone. I show you with my own body and my own face what I want from you. We do this together and I never make my clients do something I’m not doing with them. Trust me when I say you couldn’t possibly look any weirder than I do when I’m showing you what I want because, hands down, I am the biggest dork in the room, always. And I love myself more for it.

Third, why would you feel embarrassed about the very thing you want to see in yourself? Because of me? The only thing you can do that will make a session hard for me is if you fight me on what I’m trying to get out of you. The only women that have a hard time with me are the ones that just will not allow themselves to go there, to that vulnerable place, and just be and do what I’m asking of them. These are the women that have a hard time relaxing and enjoying their experience and also, sadly, looking at photos of themselves. They WANT to be in touch with their sensual side but they’ve been told forever that it’s shameful and should be hidden. Tell that part of yourself to go to hell. This is exactly why you stalk my social media. This is what you want to see and be and, girl, I want the same thing for you. If you listen to me and do what I say, I guarantee you will LOVE your photos.

Feel better? Awesomesauce. Reach out and get scheduled. Still not feeling it? That’s ok. Stay tuned for next week’s post.


Makeover by AtHome Beauty.