You Thought Your Photoshoot Was for Who??


“You know when you get to that age that when you want something, you just go buy it? We’re there. What do you get a guy that has that??”

That’s what she said to me when I asked why she wanted a session. I giggled. I giggled because I get that a lot. It’s not what you think though. I do get the whole “I had no idea what to get them, so I figured this would be good”. I totally understand that. But what I’m really talking about is the You Think You’re Doing This For Someone Else, But Just Wait thing. 

One of the most common phrases I hear a woman say to me after a session is “It’s so funny…I thought I was doing this for them, but WOW I realize now how this was really for me!”

Goodness I love when that happens. 

So yeah, your partner will 100% benefit from a session with me, but just trust me when I tell this is definitely a gift that is big enough to please you too. It’s the gift that without a doubt keeps on giving.

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