Just Say NO to the Pooping Pose

Hahahahaha! Just can’t pass up a title like that, right? Say the word “poop” and heads turn. I’m pleased as pickles that your head turned here.

So, I see this pose a lot and I just can’t help it. Every time I see it I can’t help but immediately think: she looks like she’s about to poop. Maybe it’s just my weird head, I don’t know. But I feel strongly enough about it that I want to show you some alternatives. And listen, you love the pooping pose and your clients love the pooping pose, then just ignore me. I promise I won’t get offended. I am well aware that there are probably hundreds of photos out there where this pose, or some variation of it, turned out beautifully. But if you feel the same way I do, read on.

Instead of this:

Try something like this. To me, there are so many more curves to celebrate in this pose. I also feel like the attention goes to the subject, as it should, rather than trying to figure out what she’s doing.

This pose is a lot of fun to play around with because no matter which side you’re on, it’s flattering, which means if you have 2 different lighting situations, one on each side of her, then you can get 2 different photos. Lighting is always fun to play with for this pose. I like putting my client in this pose with my window behind them because the light falls on just the right places, allowing for a sultry, moody, dark photo.

On brighter days, I get the same gorgeous look, but the different lighting changes the photograph completely.

It’s particularly fun to use with dramatic headboards.

Just in case you’d like to learn a few more tricks of the trade, swing by and grab my Free Posing Tips Guide for Photographers. It will give you posing tips for the body, the hands, AND facial expressions. For an even more in-depth way to really dig deep with posing, snag my Boudoir Posing Guide, which will give you 20 go-to poses with photographs and step-by-step instructions in 4 different set areas, PLUS a BONUS section on curvy girl modifications.

If you’re looking for more of my divine wisdom on how to conquer the world (MUAHAHAHAHA!!) check out my Services or my Shop (make sure to scroll down in my shop to check out all of my freebie downloads).

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