Goodbye Martyr. Hello Life.


I know. You’re starting a new business. Or, you're expanding your already existing business. You have a running list of never-ending tasks a mile long, the kids forgot your name and your spouse is beginning to eye up the UPS driver. 

Welcome to the life of an entrepreneur. I’ve been living that life for 16 years and it’s so fulfilling, but it is so so so damn rough. Not to mention we have lived in a society that respects and admires 16-hour workdays, the last person to leave work and the first to arrive, and the person that proudly brags that they haven’t seen their kids for a week….and they live with them. 

But I have some good news for you. Those agonized, aggrandized workhorses are becoming extinct. PHEW! GOOD RIDDANCE!

Remember when you would revere so blindly the woman down the street that had purple bags under eyes and greasy hair because she wouldn’t even consider putting her self care before her children’s care? And how about the dad that paid for a grand home and grand lifestyle for his family, but was never there to enjoy any of it with them? Oh yes, we loved him dearly.

Now, I want you to think of the top 3 people you admire right now. I bet they are people you see as a role model for having it all but living a somewhat balanced life. Am I right? The overworked, exhausted, give-200%-to-my-job-and-nothing-else mentality is quickly becoming a thing of the past. 

Susie Orman


Tony Robbins

Tim Ferris

I could drop the mic right now and walk away from this post. These 4 people are likely THE MOST FAMOUS and followed people in the world and THEIR ENTIRE livelihood is based on telling you how to live a better, well-balanced, and enjoyable life. And you know what is NOT part of any of their shtick? Working yourself to death.

Listen to me.

  1. Find an activity you love that brings you peace and do it every day. Reading, meditating, journaling…I don’t care. If your answer is that you don’t have 15 minutes a day to devote to this, devote 30.

  2. Set your workday hours, and stick with it. Routine is the number one thing that will help you be productive and efficient. It doesn’t have to be the same hours every single day, or even every single week, but you should know by every Sunday what your workweek hours are going to look like. And yes, you should absolutely keep it nothing over 8 hours in a day, unless you want to work less than 5 days a week, then a fuller day is totally acceptable. Whatever it is, make sure it works for you.

  3. Calendar management. This is huge and I’m still no pro but I can tell you I am SO MUCH less likely to overbook myself now because I wrote down what I am and am not willing to do in a month’s time. Once I reach my limit on my scheduled calendar, that’s it. No more.

  4. Inspiration. Find your guru and don’t let go. Whether it’s your neighbor or a podcast celebrity, listen to their words, read their books, and become one with them. you cannot do this alone.

  5. Choose 1 activity AT LEAST once a month that is indulgent. This could be curling up on the couch in your pj’s and watching old movies all day. Locking yourself in the bathroom so you can try that new hairstyle you saw in Vogue. Going for a run. Taking yourself, or anyone else, out on a date. Getting a facial/massage/mani-pedi. Whatever it is you love, schedule it and schedule it right now. Make the appointment, write it down and solidify it for the next 6 months.

  6. No one is going to take care of you, except you, and you know why? Because it is no one else’s responsibility to do so. You are not 4 years old. You do not need anyone to shelter, protect, dress, feed, and care for you. There is no glory in your exhaustion.


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