Keeping it All For YOU

I’d say about 80% of the women that come in for a session are there because they believe it’s for their significant other. I used to say that was just fine…whatever you had to tell yourself was just fine with me, but I knew. I knew the real reason.

But is it ok?? I mean, yeah, it is. Let’s just say that right now. I’m not one of those photographers that gets angry when you say you want to do this for your mate. Yes—they do exist and they are becoming more and more prevalent and insistent. Tsk-tsk. But I digress…

Back to the issue at hand. I have had a wonderful view from my perch above this world as I watch women continue to reclaim their right to simply live how they want to live, just like men have always been able to do since the beginning of time. Yet, when it comes to enjoying purchases or experiences that are solely and only for themselves, there is still this…hesitation. There is still this…permission-seeking. There is still this…justification process that seems to unfold before my very eyes.

We’re getting married. It’s our anniversary. It’s his/her birthday. It’s a surprise for…ummm….I’ll think of something…

What if…stay with me here…what if you decided to buy yourself a session just for YOU? What if you made the decision that you are the queen, king, president, CEO and all-powerful being over your own wallet and decision-making and that you want to do this for no other reason other than you want to do this? Can I telly ou something? The women that have come in for a session that is 100% for themselves enjoy themselves one million times more than the gals that come in for someone else. They only have themselves to please. They have taken ownership of their own right to spend their money as they wish. They have accepted that yes, ooooohhhhh YES they are soooooo worth every single penny. You can see the freedom in their steps, the heightened smile on their lips, and the no-nonsense-I-need-zero-permission look on their faces. It’s pretty incredible. Now, this doesn’t mean that someone didn’t get to benefit from their session. Some yes, some no. But it means that they knew coming in that it was 100% for them because they deserved it and they deserved it because they said they deserved it.

So for all you fence-sitters out there: I challenge you to think about the real reason you’re still sitting on the fence. Is it because you’re unsure, or because you still think you need to justify your own desire to experience something for yourself?

Mmmmmm….food for thought…

Makeover by AtHome Beauty.