NOBODY Has It Together

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THE biggest myth that has been floating around for all of time is that everyone has it together, except you. 

The truth is, NOBODY has it together. Nobody. Yes, there are moments in time when things just click and we float on those experiences for as long as we can, but we all know they don’t last. There is always one more bill to pay, one more appliance that is broken, one more “thing” that fell through at the last moment…that doesn’t mean that we are living in a state of perpetual chaos, but it does mean that we are all in the same boat just trying to hang on to this ride with both hands, trying not to fall off. 

That is what makes this our collective human experience.

Believing that you are alone in your struggles is the number one thing that keeps you falsely separated from the rest of the world. I say “falsely” because I think we can all agree that we all struggle. So if we all struggle, why do you believe you are the only one going through whatever it is you’re going through?

What makes you so special in your struggle that you are the only one to experience it? 

When you see that person that just seems like they have it all there is one of 3 things going on.

  1. You caught them in that moment when things are going right and that person is simply enjoying that experience, in which case you should give them a high-five and rock on.

  2. That person believes in the myth of perfectionism and is quietly barely hanging on for dear life because the false perception of having it all together all the time is EXHAUSTING. In this case you should give them a hug, a cup of chamomile tea, and both your ear and shoulder.

  3. That person is portraying themselves all over social media as if their life is but a dream, while in reality life’s rug is being pulled out from underneath them and they just don’t have it in them to be authentic in this time in their life.

Sure, there are those unicorns that have figured it all out and they live quietly, with an aura of peace and knowledge. You know them because they are the ones you gravitate towards and don’t know why. There is something so lovely about them, and even though you can’t explain it, you can just feel it. Mind you, these are NOT the folks telling you that you can buy that inner peace for the amazing price of $999 (if they call themselves a guru, you can be sure that they are quite the opposite). But overall, we’re all just a bunch of schleps trying to figure it all out.

Next time you feel that you are so alone in your struggles, I dare you to find the courage to talk to a friend, or even a stranger, to test out my theory. I bet you $999 that they will either say they’ve been through the same thing, knows someone who has, or at least has empathy for what you’re going through because they have survived their own struggles.

Girl, you got this.

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Makeover by AtHome Beauty.