Gal Pal Love

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When my compadre, Mae, contacted me about surprising her bestetestestest friend with a photoshoot for the both of them I was could not have been more excited. Firstly, because I had never met Leanne and I knew that she is Mae’s dearest friend and I definitely wanted the meet the gal so close to my pal. Secondly, ummm….BEST FRIEND shoots are one of my most favorite things to do because they are just SO MUCH FUN!

We decided to do a super glam outfit, a casual outfit, a set with them together as well as a set where I could take some individual photos of each of them as well. 

It was absolutely wonderful to turn the music up, order food, let them drink champagne, all while dancing around in gowns. 

Not sure I can think of a better way to spend a day…

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