Oh Baby Girl

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“Hi Elizabeth, sorry to bother you. Just wanted to say I’m 4 weeks away from my appointment with you and I’m really scared. Lol. I haven’t lost any weight, i have no idea what clothes i won’t look silly in, and I’m scared i won’t even be able to pull this photo shoot off because of how big i am... i just recently took engagement photos with my fiancé and i just wanted to cry, i was soooo big in them.... I didn’t feel pretty at all... Do you have any advice for me coming in for my appointment!??”


“Oh my dear...let's talk.

“First, let's talk about your engagement session. You have to remember that with e-sessions, the focus is on your love, the showing of emotion in your photos and your true personalities. Rarely do photographers in these types of sessions REALLY work closely with the couple to ensure that posing is flattering and that wardrobe is used to maximize what we want to see while camouflaging what we don't want to see. E-sessions are typically quick, in-and-out. Also--most wedding photographers don't ask about body image issues, what to steer clear from, or dive deep into the heads of the couple they are photographing. This is normal but sometimes can leave you feeling like "you" were not truly captured. It's really not the fault of the photographer or you. They probably didn't think to really ask and you likely didn't think to tell them what your worries were.

That is the complete opposite of the kind of sessions I do. We work together to make sure that I have a full understanding of what is in your head and heart. My focus is solely on YOU, your body, your expressions, your overall visuals. I work with you on wardrobe to make sure that you not only look amazing but that you also FEEL amazing. I hear your insecurities and I work with you to calm those down and bring out YOUR best.

With that being said, there are a few things to keep in mind. Number one, these sessions aren't about waiting until you lose weight, or when you grow your hair out, or when you believe you are at the optimal physical place in your life that makes you worthy enough for a shoot such as this. I'm MUCH MORE interested in shooting the woman of today that is in love, about to celebrate a HUGE milestone in her life AND the love of a man that I'm pretty sure sees every part of you and could NOT be happier and feel more privileged and lucky that HE is the guy YOU chose.

Yes--we all have insecurities about our bodies, goddess knows I have a ton. But this shoot isn't really for HIM though, is it?? I mean, yeah...he gets to benefit from it, but in reality this is your moment to love YOU, celebrate YOU, come to a beautiful reckoning with the woman you see in the mirror. She is beautiful, kind, loving, and listen up for this next part: ONE MILLION TIMES MORE THAN HER WEIGHT OR HER DRESS SIZE. 

If I said to you: "Hey girl, lease tell me about yourself", I bet it would go something like this (of course I'm taking liberties here so whatever isn't true just go with me on this): "I'm a fiance, daughter and sister. I work at xyz as an xyz. I love my dog and I'm kind, I love to laugh and one of my favorite things to do is travel. I'm funny, generous and sometimes I tend to focus on others so much I forget to take care of me. I love my friends and hanging out on the couch snuggling and watching movies with my fiance."

What I'm guessing I wouldn't get from you is this: "I'm 5'6" and I weigh xyz. My shoe size is 7.5 and I have brown hair and brown eyes. My waist size is xyz and my hair length is xyz."

This is because we inherently know those things don't mean shit. We inherently know that what we believe, what is in our hearts, and how we treat others AND ourselves is what matters at the end of the day.

All I'm asking is that you take a chance and believe in yourself for a day. Forget what you think is so distasteful and consider that what you are and who you are is just so much grander and so much more special than your dress size.

When you're ready, get back to me and let's have a phone call or zoom chat about wardrobe. I want to work with you closely to try and make sure we have the best kind of clothing for you that is going to make you feel as special as you are.



My loves…you truly are worth it all. #pleasebelieveme #quitmakingmerepeatmyself #youronlyjobistobeyou