The Roadmap of a Photoshoot | Boudoir Photography | Pittsburgh, PA


Not all of my shoots are like this, but they usually take some form of this roadmap…

  1. She books me thinking she’s doing this for someone else, rather than just for herself.

  2. She shows up super nervous, but also super excited, wondering if she will be the only woman I’ve ever photographed that just won’t nail it.

  3. She’s super happy she has already asked me not to share her photos publicly, since she’s convinced she won’t really love them anyway.

  4. She flows through the shoot with flying colors and is AH-MAZED at how much she loves the photos!

  5. She goes home and takes a few days to stare at them, trying to figure out if she feels all kinds of empowered by that woman looking back at her, or strange because she never really sees herself that way.

  6. She decides she’s a goddess and instantly emails me to tell me that she is so in love with her photos she would be honored if I showed them in a blog post.

Request honored, M. In those moments when you’re feeling a little deflated, a bit unsure, or feel like you’re not enough, just look at those photos. You are beautiful, you are brilliant, you are amazing…and you’re going to be one hell of a rockstar momma.
