There's Change in the Wind | Boudoir Photography | Pittsburgh, PA


Goodness I can feel so many changes coming my way. I know a lot of folks are afraid of change, but not me. I crave it. I have a gypsy soul and the only thing I find frustrating about change is that it never happens quick enough. Anyone else notice that?? I can feel it, I know it’s there, but it makes me sit and wait for what seems like forever before it catches fire.

I have had the same purpose all of my life. Even when I didn’t know it was my purpose, I can look back and see how it has been infused all throughout my 47 years. I may have been driving different vehicles to deliver that purpose, but there it was, that same mission. If you follow me at all then I don’t have to explain what that is. It is so fulfilling, so rewarding, and I can’t imagine ever doing anything else in this whole wide world.

I know that will never change, however, I think the vehicle may be changing and as exciting as that is, I will admit for the first time ever, it’s a little scary. I’m not afraid of it, but since I have no idea what the next vehicle looks like, I’m definitely one part curious and one part sweaty brow. 

This is why I haven’t written in quite a while. I don’t know what to share anymore. What I do know is that the extraordinary path I’m on right now is so interesting and filled with serendipity, right turns, and unexpected coincidences. This crazy journey I’ve been on for about the last 3 years has introduced me to so many wonderful, brilliant, and inspiring women and I may not know a lot about my future, but when I feel into it, words like “collaborate”, “community", “female", “wisdom", “connection”, “teach”, “kin”, “retreats”, “lifting up”, and "healing” float about as if they’re trying to find a place to land but just haven’t quite managed it yet. Puzzle pieces all looking for their mate.

Do me a favor and cross you fingers (and maybe a few toes) for me, will you? I could use a bit of woo woo magic tossed my way. In the meantime, I’ll keep keeping on with what I know and what I know is photography. Photography has been like family to me for 16 years. She’s been my closest companion, dumping ground, inspiration, and sister to my soul. She’ll always be with me, but I think she’s making room for a little sister…can’t wait to see what she looks like!