Manifesting Isn't as Hard as You Think


I’m not sure why, but for a long time when people would talk with me about manifestation it never really got through. For an even longer time, I made the act of manifesting so much more complicated than it ever needed to be. Now I understand that manifesting what I truly desire is actually really simple and easy.

What is manifestation? It’s the act of putting out into the universe what you want in your life, while focusing energy on a specific desire or desires, and then allowing the universe to deliver those gifts to you. If you want true manifestation in your life then you actually do need to focus on what your truest desires are and ensure that they are in alignment with what is within your highest and best good. Yes, this means opening up to the possibility that what you’re asking for may not be delivered to you because it is just not for you. You may want that promotion in the worst way, but something better may be coming down the line. Manifesting what is within your highest and best good allows for the unknown to keep you in alignment.

I know there are a ton of articles, guides, and posts you can read that will give you a step-by-step, numbered list of instructions on how to manifest and I know they work because I’ve done them. However, if you’re like me, I just don’t have the time to commit to a rigid system that needs a bunch of time and care. 

What is it that you’re thinking about everyday? What is that one thing that wakes you up bright and early and keeps you so excited at the prospect of that thing coming true all day long? That house you’ve always wanted? The job? The opening of a new business? The money to not have to worry about the bills anymore? So here is the big secret: when you are thinking about and talking about those things and imagining what life would be like with those things, you are manifesting right there. Take it one step further and ask the universe for whatever it is you are desiring more than anything else and then let it go. Let it go with the deep belief that if it is meant to be for you, it will be.

I remember watching a show that featured Ashley Graham talking about her dreams when she was a teen model. During a particular segment, she pulled out an old inspiration board she had put together one day long ago. On that board was a cutout of a house she saw in a magazine and she fell in love with it so much she put it on her board. As she went through the board, laughing and enjoying the nostalgia, she went speechless when she saw the cutout of the house. Turns out, it was one of the homes she had purchased years later during her career when she became famous and had the bank account to show for it. She was shocked! She couldn’t believe that a cutout she put on an inspiration board actually came to life. She cut it out, put it on the board and then likely never thought about it again, except maybe when she passed by the board and caught a glimpse now and again.

You don’t have to make an inspiration board, or write down those dreams 7 times a day in a journal, or put some hoodoo woowoo on anything. You just need to dream, talk about those dreams, think about those dreams, believe they are meant to be yours, and then ask for those dreams to come true. Sure, you can absolutely do all the other stuff, and honestly it can be really fun, but if you can’t or don’t have the time, all you need is your heart, your voice, and your mind. The universe hears you loud and clear and it is so excited to be given such an important job.

When you deeply know your Self, really understand your true heart’s desire(s), and what will keep you on your path in this life, manifesting those big dreams are so easy.

Let’s start dreaming!

Make sure to check out my reiki page and schedule a session when you’re ready!