Redefining "You"

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I recently heard someone say “It’s time to update your definition of who you think you are”, and it made me stop for a moment and think.

I thought about how it’s so true that we all likely walk around just assuming we are the same person we’ve always been. The same habits, the same likes and dislikes, the same hangups. Do I still hear that ticker tape tap-tap-tapping in my head that lists all the qualities, behaviors, and stories about myself that have always kept me down?

Yes. I still hear it.

But, interestingly, it has taken on a different melody. It isn’t as loud, and it isn’t nearly as distracting as it used to be. 

It changed because I changed.

The older I get, the wiser I get, the quieter I get, the more I listen, the more brave I get, the more lighthearted I get, the more my priorities shift, the more curious I get, the more I laugh, the more I like myself. 

The older I get, the more I love myself.

This is what is so magical about women coming in for a session with me. They may not fully know it, but they are trying to change how they see themselves. Watching each of them update the version of who they think they are is truly lovely.

This version of me is strong, magical, lovely, inquisitive, fun, daring, courageous, free, and enjoys life more than she ever thought she would. This is how I see you too. It takes a lot of chutzpah to stand in front of a camera and capture all the things we try to hide from daily. Then you take it one step further and you allow space in your heart and mind to change your perspective on who you think that woman is in those photos staring back at you. That’s brave, my friend, make no mistake.

When you’re ready to redefine “you” and update the version of who you think you are, I’ll be your number one fan and your biggest cheerleader. Tag me in.

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