Restoring Eden

As soon as my pal, Lee Ann, used the term Restoring Eden in a sentence, my ears perked up. “Restoring Eden”. What a lovely concept to ponder over. She told me a story about a woman in the midwest that committed to a life goal, resulting in the reuniting of a family of wild horses (I know…kind of random, but totally spectacular). Then, Lee Ann continued talking about what Restoring Eden meant to her and it got me thinking…what does it mean to me?

To me, it means putting all the pieces of yourself back together that dislodged while you were trying to live your life according to how this world says you should live your life, rather than living according to how you want to live your life. I’ve written before about how we’re trained from birth to fulfill specific roles, and all that that entails, and achieve perfunctory life goals that are widely based on the acceptability of general society. We go through life checking the boxes of the status quo while, usually inadvertently, dismissing our own authenticity.

Sometimes I wonder if that’s the whole point of being here. Our most profound lessons are our failures. So it stands to reason that you can’t truly become the whole person you were meant to become unless you experience what it’s like to be un-whole. This is the human experience, I suppose.

Every woman has their own Eden to restore. Think about the dreams you have in your heart right now. What does your dream life look like? What does your body and heart feel like when you imagine that life? Contented? Joyful? Grateful? Right there is your Eden.

I want to live my life on my own terms. I want to grow beyond my limitations. I want to evolve and help others evolve too. I want to turn light bulbs on and dig up epiphanies. I want to help other women find and gather their dislodged pieces and put them back into place and once whole, watch as a roadmap to their best and most inspired lives unravels in front of them, showing them the way. You know…kind of random, but totally spectacular.

So what does your Eden look like? What’s it going to take for you to start getting your hands dirty on your next, biggest, and most profound restoration project?


If you’re ready for your reckoning, reach out and let’s talk about what reiki and/or a photography session can do for you. #restoringeden

Don’t forget to share this with someone you love.