The Secret to Receiving the Answer to a Difficult Question | Boudoir Photography Pittsburgh, PA

We all have those times when we feel in the dark about something, or like a decision or answer is eluding us and our intuition has gone on vacation. I’ve been there more than once and it’s so frustrating!

Did you know there is a very simple way to get the answers you need? It’s actually by tapping into your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is the divine, fully conscious, omnipotent, and eternal you. The you with the wisdom and knowledge you have and have always had with you. It is your divine source that is made one with all, and your connection to all. If this sounds hooey flooey, I dare you to give this a try then next time you’re stuck.

I initially learned a similar technique when trying to find crystals that were aligned with my inner self, goals, and manifestations. It’s a really easy way to figure out if a specific crystal will work for you, against you, or even have a neutral quality. I then began using this technique for other things I couldn’t quite figure out in all the traditional ways, like journaling, contemplating, obsessing, and driving my friends crazy with constant questioning and opinion-seeking.

The next time you have a big decision to make, or need an answer to something, and you just can’t quite feel into the answer, try these steps.

  1. Stand in a relaxed state and do a bit of breath work. Try inhaling on a three count, then exhaling on a four count. Do this 3 times to calm the mind.

  2. Consider the question or decision that needs attention. Now, consider two answers that are the possible outcomes to your decision or question. It’s important that your question only have two possible answers, or two answers that are the most relevant for your question or decision.

  3. Close your eyes and ask your question, whether in your mind or out loud.

  4. Remain standing with your eyes closed and as you ask your question, notice if your body begins to naturally lean forward or backward.

  5. If you naturally begin to lean forward, the answer is yes, or denotes a positive affirmation in relation to your decision that is within your highest and best good. If you naturally begin to lean backward, the answer is no or denotes an outcome that is not within your highest and best good.

If you can tap into your higher self when making decisions, you’ll never be led astray. It’s a simple way to connect to your inner self and your intuition. I don’t know about you, but when I follow my intuition everything seems to turn out good. When I don’t, well, I’m sure you’ve had that experience as well.


PS—if you’re curious about crystals you should consider coming to my February 6, 2022 workshop on crystals and gridding. I’ll go over the technique specific to crystals that I mentioned above, in addition to the everything else we’ll learn that day.