Run Your Business Like a Spa

One of the best tips I can give you to up your Client Experience in your studio, or wherever you’re shooting, is to think like you own a spa and implement little gestures for your clients that will send them shouting to the world about how incredibly they were treated during your session with them.

A few tips…

  1. I always encourage my clients to bring a comfy robe and slippers or flip flops with them to their sessions for their own comfort, but I also like to have robes on hand in my studio as well, just in case they don’t have one or they forget one. Ever been to a super fancy spa and you walk into their dressing room to your very own pair of slippers and a robe?? It just makes a gal feel special! BONUS: get them embroidered with your logo or initials with your studio name so that your branding is always present. It matters.

  2. Have little treats and beverages available. Nothing big. Nothing expensive. But something that is just a little extra. I no longer offer bottled water at my studio because I found that only 8 out of every 10 women actually drank the whole bottle. It was so wasteful. So I bought the larger, clear, glass bottles and brought in small glasses and every client gets a clean, filled, chilled glass bottle with a glass that she can refill as much as she wants. Tap water is good for me in some of the most fanciest restaurants a girl could visit. It’s good enough for everyone else.

  3. Music. I like to have relaxing, upbeat music playing when my client arrives, but then I make sure to change it to a more sensual feel once we get started. We all know how much music plays a role in most our lives so use it! I have a bluetooth speaker I connect my phone to. It comes with me everywhere I go.

  4. Know their needs before they do. When my clients arrive, I already know they have to pee and I know that most hate asking since they just got there. So after hugs and introductions to Lee Ann, my stylist, I ask if they need to use the restroom. Nine out of 10 women give me a yes. I then offer them a beverage and when they sit down I already know they feel rude holding onto their phone so I make sure to give them permission for that (because you know I am not going anywhere without mine…), and I also have a charger in case they forgot their own. If their phone rings, I tell them it’s totally ok to answer it. I check in with them to ask if they are cold, hot or perfectly comfortable. I ask if they need to use the restroom throughout our session and I ask if they need a break at all. Time and time again I have had clients tell me how pampered and well taken care of they felt because I paid special attention to their needs. And you know what?? None of it cost me a dime.

  5. Make sure your space is comfortable, aesthetically pleasing and a feast for the eyes. My clients LOVE my studio. It’s urban, well-used and well-loved. I have just the right amount of feminine touches but nothing cliche or superfluous. Not in your own space? No worries. You can always add touches to make it your own. Bring a candle, pay attention to lighting, clean up a bit and buy some flowers if you want to. With Trader Joe’s offering bouquets for as little as $3.99, I’m so in.

Just think about the last time you went to a spa. What did you love? What made you feel special? What made you feel pampered. Whatever those answers are, those are the things you should be doing.

Make sure to follow me on all my social media for the latest info too!

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