She Needed This | Boudoir Photography

That’s what she said in her email when I blasted out the announcement that I’d be in Savannah and was opening one spot for a shoot.

I need this. Work has been difficult. My family is going through a stressful time. I miss my husband and my dog. I need this.

I believed her.

What I love love loved about Alaina’s proclamation was that she knew she needed to take a break and take care of herself for just a minute, so she did. She booked a flight, chose a hotel, and came from Pittsburgh to Savannah to spend a day with me that was solely focused on her, and a few other days that she could relax and rest. It was absolutely fabulous.

This is just outfit number one. As you can imagine, I have SO MUCH but I think this will hold you over for a bit. It’s KILLING ME not to post more.

I arrived the day before so I was 100% ready for her when she arrived the next day. I had purchased a few extra pieces of lingerie because the space we were in was so delectable I just couldn’t help myself. I hired Inga Cessna, a hair and makeup stylist in Savannah, GA, to take care of Alaina’s styling and I’m SO SO glad I did! Inga was incredible! Her makeup was pure art and she worked Alaina’s hair so quickly and spot on. I was nothing but happy with everything.

The fun was just beginning. The Airbnb I stayed in was everything you would think the stately homes in Savannah would look like. Floor-to-ceiling windows that opened up, luxury furniture, high ceilings…it was more amazing than I thought it was going to be.

After Alaina’s incredible shoot, we headed out for cocktails and dinner and wound up on the closed-in courtyard with a bottle of wine for a late-night hangout. The next day we took a tour of Savannah’s most famous cemetery, had one last meal and off Alaina went, back to her harried life. This time, though, she rejoined it with a smile.

Lesson of the day: take care of yourself because it’s no one else’s job.