How to Build Your Audience | Personal Branding Films & Photography | Pittsburgh

That’s the question, right? How does an entrepreneur build a local audience that is curious, interested and loyal? I have one word for you:


It doesn’t matter what you’re doing in and around your marketing plan if you are not being 100% consistent. You know that competitor you’re always watching? That one that doesn’t quite offer your level of service or your level of quality…yet they seem to be blowing you out of the water when it comes to success? Look at what they’re doing. I can almost guarantee there is something they are doing with 100% consistency that you are not.

Listen, I’m not saying quality isn’t important. It is of the highest importance, but here’s the thing: if you gain momentum and awareness due to your consistency but your product or service is total shit, it will even out and you will not last. I give you 3 to 5 years. If you gain success due to your consistency and you are offering honest-to-goodness quality products or services, you will survive. I swear by it.

The point is, you will not get anywhere unless you are being 100% consistent in whatever marketing approach you are taking.

Meet Lu. She’s a dynamic, phenomenal woman that has been in real estate for a crazy long time. She has helped to support her family with this career and it’s in her soul. Lu knew when it was time to seek outside assistance for her marketing approach because she wanted to refresh her brand and take it up a notch. Did I mention that Lu is one smart cookie??

I had the privilege of photographing Lu a few years back before we offered films and multi-media marketing services so when she was ready to refresh her look, she came back to me. I’m happy to say that Lu was instantly interested in what services we could offer her in addition to photography, and I’m even more happy to say that she hired us right then and there.

We’ve been working with Lu for a few months now and the results on her brand awareness and audience-building is seriously impressive and just keeps on climbing. I’d love to say it’s all us, but truthfully Lu was built for this. She has a vast knowledge-base that just stuns you, her fun-loving, witty personality is contagious and she’s just that kind of woman you feel lucky to call friend.

Can’t wait to see how far she goes!