The Four R's of Your New Normal

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I don’t know about you, but in the beginning of this apocalypse, I found the time off to be frustrating, irritating, and not just a little aggravating. I felt and still feel awful saying that because how dare I complain when lives are being lost. I definitely needed an attitude adjustment  but I also knew I needed to take it easy on myself as well. 

The messages all over social media were ones of GET BUSY!! And THIS IS YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY!! And YOU THOUGHT YOU JUST DIDN’T HAVE TIME BUT IT TURNS OUT YOU’RE JUST LAZY!! I also read so many posts about folks that were having such a hard time with their own headspace about this time. What were they supposed to do with this time? Where was their energy best spent? How do you go through a lockdown and not kill your kids and your spouse?? All valid questions.

John and I would have so many conversations about all of this and I said to him one day: “I’m so curious to see what comes of this for folks after this is all over. I mean…yeah, I think people are definitely being forced to consider their priorities, but how many of them will begin to consider their dreams…”

Remember those? Yeah, those things you used to lay awake thinking about and couldn’t fall asleep because you were so excited just considering them. I wonder wonder wonder all the time now how many of us will quit our corporate job to start that business we always dreamed of? How many of us will be giving new life to new babies? How many of us will be taking the plunge and getting married and how many of us will finally accept the release and exhale of getting a divorce? How many of us will sink into a deep depression and how many of us will be so renewed you can’t keep us down? What will our new priorities be?

I hope we all take time to Reconsider our lives. We’ve been given a great “pause” and it’s a beautiful time to ponder where you were before and where you are right now in that head and heart of yours.

After take time to Reconsider, I hope we all take time to Recalibrate. Whether we like it or not, we are in the midst of a shutdown in more ways than just staying home. I hope we all give ourselves a break and let our minds and bodies adjust to the new normal that is now.

Once we Recalibrate ourselves for this time right now, I hope we all move on into a new space to Rejuvenate. When is the last time you were given this time, guilt-free, to take care of yourself just a little bit more, day by day? I’m not putting any pressure on you here, but that book you’ve always wanted to read, those baths you always wanted to take, that movie you’ve been dying to see, that cake you’ve always wanted to bake, that online course, living room makeover, or long days in bed are all just waiting for you. 

Finally, my biggest hope is that we all take some time to Reimagine our lives. Who knows when we will be gifted another block of time like this to consider that maybe, just maybe, those dreams we shoved back behind those locked doors in our heart just tossed you the key in hopes of being given a second chance. 

Maybe this is your chance. Maybe this is your moment. Maybe this is your time.