The Most Fascinating Thing About What I Do For a Living

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There are so many things that fascinate me about my career choice. I didn’t say what I do is fascinating, mind you. This isn’t about what other people think about what I do, or even if they think I’m good at what I do. Art is subjective, after all. I’m talking about what fascinates me about what I do.

I have never had a woman come before me free of self-judgment and with full self-acceptance and self-love. In fact, it is almost always the complete opposite. There isn’t a single body part I haven’t heard a woman viciously attack themselves over. Most of them have heard a gazillion times how beautiful and sexy they are, but that one time someone told them that their thighs were a little thick is the only thing they will ever remember. I have heard tales of superhuman heroism straight from the hearts of these women, giving up their time, energy, and even their souls for the better good of someone else, yet the stories on the tips of their tongues are only the ones that left them with the deepest belief of never being enough.

This. This is what I find to be the most fascinating thing about what I do.

I am both participant and observer in the ironic experience of women struggling with self-acceptance, using an art form to capture and memorialize that which brings them so much pain, in an attempt to finally break free and build a new relationship with their Self.

It is a jaw-dropping, slow motion, fantastical movie reel of an experience to watch a woman undergo the full-on reckoning of herself with her Self.

I can’t > I can > I did.

Witnessing a huge lack of self-trust morph into courage, then morph into bravery is quite the sight. Courage is stepping into confrontation, difficulty, and pain, despite the presence of fear. Bravery is the act of confronting difficulty or pain with no fear. It’s this last step of fearlessness that gets me every time.

You would think that stepping in front of a little box that captures every “flaw” that you believed you had, thereby creating a permanent record of what you think you dislike so much, would be the very last thing a woman would ever do in her entire lifetime. Yet, I have built an entire career on disproving that very notion.

Some would say I’m onto something…

I say it’s something to consider, especially for all you fence-sitters out there.

When you’re ready, let’s talk.

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Makeovers by AtHome Beauty.