The Magick of a Personal Practice

“MAGICK is the Science of understanding oneself and one’s conditions. It is the Art of applying that understanding in action. Magick is merely to be and to do.” —Magick (Book 4)

I never really write about my personal practices and my guess is that’s because it’s, well, personal. I share a lot publicly, as you know, but I always felt as if some things needed to be held sacred to my own Self. It’s the part of me I revel in. I indulge, magnetize, regenerate, sensualize, romanticize, and challenge this part of me. It’s when I let my inner magick flow and it deepens my connection with my inner divine, allowing me to identify my desires, my needs, and my boundaries. My personal practice is my spiritual church.

It’s that kind of personal connection that I wish for every living, breathing human because this is how you begin to know your Self better than anyone or anything else in this world. Why is this important? Because how could anyone know what they truly want in this life, what truly makes them happy, and what truly fulfills them if they have no idea who they are? One of the darkest places we can send ourselves is into the belief system that this kind of fulfillment comes from anyone else other than ourselves.

If this message called to you, perhaps it’s time for you to consider your own magick. Interestingly, just about every woman I’ve had the privilege of having deeper conversations with is right here in this space right now. If this is you, stay tuned because I have a lot coming your way that just might get your senses tingling…