Thinking on Your Feet | Boudoir Photography | Pittsburgh

When I decided to leave my studio space after 8 years, I knew only good things were to come. I needed to re-ignite my creativity, push myself out of my comfort zone and choose situations where I had to think super fast on my feet. Well…I did not disappoint myself!

I love that I now rent a new Airbnb for each block of my monthly shoots because I get to start all over again every month. I know that would drive some photographers crazy but it’s what I love most. The thing is, I never really know what I’m going to get with an Airbnb or a hotel room. Sometimes photos are doctored, other times I will have rented a space just for the couch, only to show up and see that it’s been replaced by a totally different new one. Most times it’s just that the photos don’t represent the space well, and this can be a good or bad thing, no doubt.

In the case of this Airbnb, I wondered where the light source for this place was coming from, but never gave it another thought and booked it. The closer we got to the date, the more I realized there was no natural light. Being a 90% natural light boudoir photographer, I found this to be a bit of a conundrum. However…challenge accepted.

For one of her outfits I used a Skylux constant light, which is designed to mimic daylight, so that was fun to play around with (good thing I keep that in my arsenal). For the ones you see in these photos, I used a very elaborate, technical and bold technique that I like to call “opening the door”. Hahahahahahaha! Yes..I’m being serious. For one set I just put her in the doorway of the opened front door. For the other set I put her on a stool on the backside of the back door and opened the door to let some light in.

I know…I’m so brilliant I kill myself.

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Makeover by AtHome Beauty.