Three Reasons You Need to Learn Your Life Lessons

Listen, none of us gets out of this life without getting more than one smackdown from the universe. If it were all rainbows and unicorn farts, we’d never actually grow into the humans we were meant to be. If we don’t evolve then we can’t find our purpose, and if we can’t find our purpose then we can’t pay it forward and serve others in the midst of their human experiences, and if we can’t serve others then we can’t leave the world in a better place than how we found it, and if we can’t do that, then what the hell is the point?? Picking up what I’m putting down?

So, if you’re wondering why you’re in the midst of a grand smackdown please read on, because believe it or not, there is are reasons and they are super-duper good ones.

  1. There are reasons the universe throws us curve balls in our lives. It is purposeful because there is a lesson there that is extraordinarily integral to our own physical, emotional, and spiritual development. Its intricate and detailed importance is one we may not be able to understand now, but just having the understanding that it holds importance is something we can hold on to when we are going through a particularly rough moment.

  2. Consider that when we are tossed whammies in our lives that they are not just for our own benefit. The important lessons we are learning right now will be lessons we will be tapped later in life to assist someone else that will be going through the same thing we’re going through now, or something similar. Every lesson we learn is to arm us with knowledge, experience, and empathy that we will use in service to others at some later time in life. Be proud that the universe chose YOU for this important task.

  3. The meatiest, juiciest, most beautiful lessons we learn in this life always come from our biggest struggles. Though it may feel awful right now, once we are on the other side of this we will be so happy and proud of ourselves for motoring through, and the lesson we will learn from this will be all ours and one that we will be able to carry as our own all through our life.

If you are struggling, hang on; the light is carrying you through it, even if you don’t feel its warmth surrounding you. If you want to learn more, feel more, understand deeper, and are finally ready to dig deep then I encourage you to look into the Transformational Wellness Retreat that my pal, Marta, and I are holding this fall.  Why? Because nothing changes till you change.

Do the work. Live your dream. <— In that order, girl.