Transformation Wellness Retreat Now Open for Registration!


I met with my business mentor, Mark, yesterday via zoom for the first time and when I told him about the Transformational Wellness Retreats that Marta Anyse Napoleone and I launched, he asked me what that means in terms of what I do for this living. So I said, “Offer retreats that transform lives." He said, “No. What does that mean you would do for a living? Who would you serve and who would want this from you? How would you provide this service, and why should anyone trust that you can deliver what you’re offering?” I knew instantly and without hesitation.

WHO: I serve women that are searching to discover their most authentic selves in an effort to live their best lives. These women can feel inside and down to their bones that there is something more for them, but they don’t know what it is, or even if they do, they don’t know how to get there. They realize that the life they are currently living either needs to jump up a notch or they need to build an entirely new roadmap, but their emotional roadblocks are getting in the way. These women want to lead a life of purpose, deep joy, and contentment and feel like they’re leaving the world a better place than the one they were born into.

HOW: By offering accessible, body-mind-soul retreat experiences that take women on a journey deep inside themselves to identify their roadblocks, and discover their own agency and power in tackling those roadblocks, while teaching them invaluable and tangible tools they will have forever that will clear the path into a new life.

WHY: Because this is where I was for years and this is the experience I went through and have now come out on the other side of, and the desire to bring women into this fold with me is so deep I can’t ignore it anymore. The tools that I personally developed for my own journey took years to develop and I can’t help but want to pass them on to other women searching for their purpose. If you follow me, then you know this journey I have always been on with women began with my photography career, and still continues. What you might not know is that it was my photography sessions with all of you that created an opportunity for a majestic awakening for me. My transformation has now led me back to you, but this time with an even deeper experience for you and one that is metamorphic in such extraordinary ways that you can’t help but walk away changed for life.

Does this resonate with you? Are you searching for more but you don’t know how to go about it? And/or did someone pop into your mind while you were reading this and you just KNOW they need this? Then quit sitting on the fence and start taking action. Check out our upcoming TRANSFORMATIONAL WELLNESS RETREAT. This retreat's focus is a Journey of Self-Love.

Make a choice for YOU, because we all know: NOTHING CHANGES TILL YOU CHANGE.