It's a Time for Greatness

Elizabeth Craig | Pittsburgh-1.jpg

“The greatness of a man is not how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively” —Bob Marley

This is a strange time for all of humanity right now. It all just seemed to happen so fast and there just didn’t seem to be an equal amount of time allotted for us to adjust in a healthful way. I guess viruses just don’t care about our mental health.

We’ve all become spectators in one way or another and as a spectator, it’s been most interesting to watch all of the reactions to the fear. There is nothing wrong with fear, in fact, it’s what keeps us alive, and it’s a normal emotion, however, in times like these we have to figure out ways to embrace a pause before giving a reaction.

The “pause” is HUGE in all facets of life and it is a self-regulating tool that I often forget to implement, unfortunately, but when I do I have never regretted it. In terms of entrepreneurialism, it can be the difference between the survival and longevity of your business over a potentially poor public perception that can definitely impact your business in all kinds of negative ways.

Simply put: this is a time to serve, not a time to sell.

Yep—I know…you have a mortgage to pay, mouths to feed, and all kinds of bills to pay. You’re worried your business won’t survive this horrid time and you’re panicking about the future. Guess what?? So is everyone else.

All of us entrepreneurs fall all under one of two umbrellas right now:

  1. An online business that sells and delivers stuff people need right now, or a business that has online capabilities that include services people need right now.

  2. Neither of the above.

If you fall into number 1: congratulations and I mean that sincerely. The world is still going round and we all need food, household goods, entertainment and, yes…toilet paper. There is no shame in having what people need and selling it to them. I’m hoping you’re paying your good fortune forward.

If you fall under number 2: there are more of us with you under that umbrella than not. We’re all wondering what happens next and trying to figure out how to be savvy in what we have to offer the world right now. Does this mean you’re morally compromised if you’re trying to sell things that aren’t necessarily considered necessities during this weird time? Absolutely not. However, if you’ve been following social media trends, and I’m guessing you are because we all have a lot of time on our hands, then you’ve likely witnessed the current backlash on folks that are clearly just trying to capitalize on this strange and disorienting time.

Hopefully, you’ve also seen the outpouring of gratitude that has been showing up for those that are working and giving with a servant’s heart, rather than an entrepreneurial mind.

This. This right here is what will make sure your business survives.

I challenge you to put an equal amount of time into considering what you can do for the greater good right now, along with the greater good of your wallet. Money makes the world go ‘round, I get it, but so does kindness, generosity, empathy, and service.

This is your time to shine. This is your time to put a little sprinkling of positivity back into the world. This is your time to go back to your childhood teachings:

Everything is better when it’s shared.

Be good to you. Be good to your family. Be good to your neighbors. Be good to your community. The rest will fall into place.

It’s a time for greatness. Let that light shine.