What is Reiki?


As you hopefully know by now, I'm practicing reiki and have been offering reiki services since July of this year. It’s been fascinating and has melded beautifully with my own journey and professional brand and I’m so excited to see where this new path takes me. A lot of folks I run into know what reiki is but a good many have either never heard of it or aren’t quite sure what it all means. So, I thought I’d take the time in this post to discuss Reiki and the benefits of receiving Reiki, then take the next 7 weeks and discuss each chakra and how they relate to specific areas in the body, and what that means physically and mentally/emotionally.

So, what is Reiki?

REIKI is the hands-on healing technique that is achieved by channeling the Universal Life Force energy (energy that flows through all living things) into the client, by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the client's body and restore physical and emotional well-being. It is a healing system which works by transferring energy from the practitioner to the patient.

By holding the hands above or placing the hands onto the energy centers of the body, known as chakras, the Reiki practitioner can move energy in, out, and around the body. This means that emotional and physical blockages, known to cause emotional and physical ailments, can be removed to allow the recipient to heal in a more natural way and not just on the physical level. Reiki can also be administered to other, specific parts of the body that are in discomfort as well.

Energetically speaking, we form emotional blockages as we grow and integrate into this world through our personal human experiences. These blockages are impediments to living our fullest and most balanced lives. If the emotional blockages are not removed, they can turn into physical ailments and dis-ease, creating even stronger obstacles that can knock us off of our true path and purpose in this life, or even simply make life uncomfortable on the emotional and physical planes. Reiki is energy medicine and aids in the removal of these blockages, thereby promoting the restoration of balance in our energetic and physical bodies, allowing us to pursue our joy, life's work, and path unhindered.

Reiki doesn’t have to be connected to spirituality. It can simply be used as a more natural healing modality to cure what ails. Simply put, Reiki works whether you believe it or not, so if you're skeptical, I encourage you to give it a try!

What are some of the benefits of Reiki?

  • Relieves stress and anxiety

  • Promotes peace and relaxation

  • Aids in physical healing and relieves pain

  • Improves energy and focus

  • Aids in the relief of depression

  • Accelerates self-healing in the body

  • Promotes healthy sleep patterns

  • Assists and complements medical treatments

  • Promotes connection and growth in spiritual journeys

Stay tuned because next week I’ll be talking about the Root Chakra: the 1st chakra. In the meantime, if you’re interested in a reiki session with me, you can schedule right now. Remember, sessions are complementary until January 1, 2022 and they are going FAST!