I'm Back and Better Than EVER!


Hello friends! It’s likely that you didn’t even notice but I took a little time off to slow down, rejuvenate, and fill back up a wee bit. It’s been a time of deep reflection and it has been absolutely wonderful. However, I am being pulled to reenter the world again and so I’m following the tug. With that, I want to say that I’m back in REIKI action! I am now scheduling reiki appointments again and, yes, they are still complimentary and will remain so until January 1, 2022, at which time I will charge a fee of $50/hour session. Slots are limited so if you’re looking to jump in, now is the time!

This is my absolute most favorite time of year. There is something so lovely about the fall season. Summer slowly gives up her resistance and the Autumn Equinox, which coincides with Libra season, brings in the energy of change and metamorphosis. This is a delicious time for me because I’m a Libra so I actually crave this time of year. It’s also a wonderful moment for hindsight for me as well. Have you ever sat and reflected on the previous year and taken note of the lessons learned, to then become excited for the new year that lays before you, ripe with so much possibility? It’s divine.

I can feel that this will be a big year for me in so many ways. Reflection and contemplation about the past, coupled with the excitement of a new future that knows no limits, has me tingling from head to toe. Moving into a new home and integrating into becoming newly single after 19 years has been…interesting. Good. Awful. Divine. Scary. Extraordinary. Confusing. Wonderful…etc. etc. Let’s just say that starting over at almost-fifty is exciting, gruesome, and not just a little comical at times. If you continue to follow me, I can pretty much guarantee you won’t be bored!

I have so many dreams on the horizon and though I will be continuing full-steam-ahead with my photography services (I mean…how could I not??), this year I will also be focusing a lot of energy into a new artery of wellness + community that will be in the form of my reiki services, meetups, small workshops, and hopefully lots of other fun things, all with the themes of womanhood, courage, inspiration, transformation, empowerment, community/collectives, and figuring out how to live our most inspired lives. This has always been my brand in one way or another and I’m so thrilled to see it expand in this direction. I hope you’ll join me on this journey! 

If you’re ready to jump on this crazy-train with me, make sure to visit my site and sign up for my newsletter. It will mostly be a once-monthly release so as to not info-dump, but the best resource to keep up to date on all of my happenings. And, of course, feel free to reach out with any questions, or to book a reiki or photography session (or both!)
