You're Doing Just Fine, Baby Girl


Don’t believe them…those voices in your head telling you that you’re falling way below what you think you should be at any given moment.

You are more than a dress size, a number depicting how many years you’ve been on this earth, the size of your house or your bank account. It’s ok that your cupcakes were store bought at the PTA meeting, and yes, it’s even ok that you missed your son’s play/baseball game/4th grade graduation.

You’re also more than a mom, a wife, a co-worker, grandmother, or whatever other category someone else is trying to neatly fit you into.

You’re a passionate, compassionate, beautiful soul floating through this life with your own dreams, hopes, love, and desires.

No matter what the voices in your head, or anyone else’s voice for that matter, is saying to you…

You’re doing just fine, baby girl.
