It's Time!

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With the world starting to wake up again, let me give you a teensy tip: it’s also time to start networking again. I know…that word just incites an immediate eye roll. The thing is, if you think you can build a local following and audience with just your phone or computer, you’d be wrong. This is especially true for us Pittsburghers. Our city has a strong desire to shop locally, but we want to know who we are giving our money to and we want to make sure it’s going to the right place. If you want to make sure your business is the right place, then I need to see your lovely face and get to know you. I can’t tell you how many incredible collaborations and ideas have come from meeting people face-to-face. The brainstorming and flow of energy is pretty jaw-dropping. 

Try getting that same reaction from a post on your iPhone. Not gonna happen.

I’m ready to get back out there. If you’re with me, let’s start a convo on how, when, and where to start flexing our networking muscles again. It looks like the perfect time for happy hour in the park! 

Who’s with me??

Also—don’t forget, if you want help turning your business up a notch, I not only offer mentoring sessions for entrepreneurs and photographers, I also have my Mind Your Business: A Complete Guide to Marketing Your Business Like the Badass You Are AND the sister guide, Top Ten Secrets to Book More Clients just for photographers on sale now! And guess what? There’s a whole section in both on networking. ;-) #yourewelcome