How to Pose Hands


Mmmmmm….this can be a tricky one, huh? When you don’t say a word to your client about their hands they seem to mostly be ok, but the moment you say ONE word about them, it’s like a stick enters into each finger and they don’t know how to just relax them. What to do…what to do?

Well, the number one thing you can do is show your client what you want. A lot of times, giving them a visual will do the trick. But if that doesn’t work, I find that giving them something to do helps. Even if whatever you have them doing looks unnatural, a lot of times the camera picks up those in-between moments and you get what you want. You may take 10 or even 15 frames of total crap, but I guarantee you’ll get 1 that works beautifully and that’s all you need.

One of my favorite things to do is have them play in their hair. When giving them a visual, I make sure to show them what I don’t want first, which is one hand slightly above each ear and at the same level, moving them in a small, circular motion. I explain to them, as I show them, that it looks like they’re washing their hair and how unnatural it looks. It usually makes them giggle, which relaxes them. I then show them what I do want and it snaps in for them every time.

Movement is always the key to more natural looking photos.

If this little tidbit was helpful, boy-oh-boy are going to love my FREE Posing Tips guide for photographers! Just click, enter, submit, and this 17-page guide helping you with poses for the body, the hands, and the face is all yours.

Happy Posing!

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