New Season | New Life

I know it doesn’t feel this way, but Spring really has arrived, and even though it feels like a very dark and heavy time, remember that She brings so much new life, and with it, new possibilities.

Soon we will all be out of our homes, closing our eyes as we raise our chins to the sun. Soon we will smile at all the buds of new life happening around us. My new hope is that soon, after this is an old chapter in our history of this world, we will have learned all the important things that we were forced to be reminded of during our enforced solitude.

~Family matters most.

~Communities have a heartbeat and need our attention and love.

~When the going got rough, the beauty in humanity came forth, eventually.

~New life springs upon us with this new season and it is a reminder that Mother Nature is always in charge.

~The collective conscious is a real and living thing. When we, the masses, act and behave in a similar way, that causes ripples and an energy that spreads across the earth. That goes for fear, greed, violence, and bad behavior just as much as it does for generosity, love, empathy, and kindness. Make sure to choose the latter. We have a responsibility for what we leave behind for the next generations. Take that seriously.

This is a time to reevaluate priorities, gifts, and even dreams. I hope you take some time to ponder all of it.

Let life spring forth.

Makeover by AtHome Beauty.